Brittany is the most underrated region of France! It's our absolute favorite summer escape. It's like being in Ireland, minus the sheep.
As I write, I'm sweating though a heat wave wishing I was back there. It's an average of 90 degrees everywhere in France right now. Brittany stays much cooler, at an average of 70 to 75 degrees—All summer long.
It's perfect! Especially for those sandy hugs on the beach that the kiddos offer up …sigh.
The Beach of the Trezhir is the largest one—It's surrounded by several restaurants, a nautical club, a small movie theater and an awesome playground right on the beach. And you may know how I feel about playgrounds...

We visited some amazing sites with breathtaking views.
Here is just some of our favorites:
The lighthouse of the Pointe St Matthieu


The Scenic Route of Landunvez

And now can we talk about the fooooood !!!
Crepes Galore my friends !!! A savory or sweet with a little apple cider is the way to go !
Check out theses restaurants if you're in the area looking for a culinary treat. Prepare for a fiesta in your mouth.
Established in 1984, la Chaumine has been one of my favorite Crepes Restaurant in Brest. It was the last meal I had before I moved to America when I was 19 years old and i still drool thinking of it.
You do need to make a Reservation.
Beautiful views of the coast and delicious local food. Great service ! And it is also a library with tons of books geared toward traveling. if you are lucky you might be there on a day where a local musician/band would play
Right by the Pointe Saint Mathieu, This Creperie has an amazing menu. Nice outdoor area and delicious ice cream.
We felt a week was a bit short, so we’ll definitely be going back.As far as lodging, I would recommend Airbnb as it is very affordable in Bretagne.
I'll keep you posted if I visit other areas of this beautiful region.

Until next time Brittany !